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BioInitiative and BauBiology Guidelines

BauBiology Guidelines:
For Radio Frequency and Microwave radiation they are in agreement with the BioInitiative Report guidelines for indoor areas, which they have set at a maximum of 100 uW/m2. 

For electro sensitive people they have gone with the IGNIR guidelines at 0.1 uW/m2 which is 1000 times less than the maximum recommended indoor exposure from BioInitiative. 

Seen as we are all sensitive to the damaging effects of EM Radiation whether we are aware of it or not, the aim of the game is too reduce our exposure as much as possible depending on the nature of the circumstances and resources available. 

For AC [alternating current] Electric Fields BauBiology have adopted the IGNIR guidelines of less than 1 V/m [volts per meter] which is advised for electro sensitive people but on a biological level we are all electro sensitive.
BioInitiative do not offer a recommendation for electric field exposure. 

For AC Magnetic Fields BauBiology advise the BioInitiative Report guidelines of less than 100 nT [nanoTesla] which converts to 1 mG [milliGuass].  
For Electro Sensitive people they advise the IGNIR guideline of 30 nT which converts to 0.3 mG, but as previously stated, we are all electro sensitive whether we realise it or not, so we will always strive for the lowest exposure levels possible.

Here are the Building Biology EMF guidelines for sleeping areas.
Below them, is the BioInitiative Reported Biological Effects from Radio-frequency Radiation at Low-Intensity Exposure [Cell Tower, Wi-Fi, Wireless Laptop and 'Smart' Meter RF Intensities]

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