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Special EMF Service
Electro-magnetic Radiation Health Effects
In the past 20 years or so, there seems to have been an epidemic of new illnesses and diseases that were not at all common prior to the roll out of new technologies, but we just seem to accept it without logically questioning what changes have we made to the way we live that could of contributed to such situations.
Two conditions that immediately spring to mind are, Mental Health and Dementia. Twenty years ago or so, dementia was barely heard of, making it a very rare disorder. A fraction of the population suffered with mental health issues compared to current statistics, and these are just two of many given as an example.
The number of people suffering with dementia worldwide has been predicted to double every twenty years based on current diagnosis statistics, and the rate of teenagers in the USA reporting symptoms consistent with chronic depression rose 52% from 2005 to 2017. Some may pass this off as the pressures of modern day society which has traditionally been a common scape goat for many emerging conditions that became
epidemics in the past...
What do kids spend most of their time doing these days? The youth of previous generation were out and about on a daily basis, playing in the woods and parks with all the other kids from the school or neighbourhood getting up to all sorts of mischiefs, but unfortunately the youth of today seem to be glued to their high powered wireless radiation devices and don't spend much time outside at all.
Here is a quote by Arthur Firstenberg from his pioneering book on the history of electricity: The Invisible Rainbow Anxiety Disorder," afflicting one-sixth of humanity, did not exist before the 1860s, when telegraph wires first encircled the earth. No hint of it appears in the medical literature before 1860. Influenza, in its present form, was invented in 1889, along with alternating current. (...) Many of the doctors who were flooded with the disease in 1889 had never seen a case before'.
We were living in the midst of alternating current [AC] for many decades prior to the arising of the wireless age, as it encases us via the walls and ceilings of our homes, and we just seem to accept the above health conditions as the norm because we have been conditioned to do so, remaining uneducated and ignorant to such matters.
Below we list some of the conditions that have been linked to some of the various electro-magnetic emitting technologies, by some of the worlds most respected and pioneering professionals in this field.
Depression - Anxiety - Fatigue - Disorientation - Dizziness/Loss of Balance - Concentration Issues - Tinnitus & being able to hear frequencies - Dementia - Leukaemia - Breast Cancer - Brain Tumours - Various other forms of cancer - Vascular Conditions - Heart Conditions - Respiratory Problems - Hyperactivity - Cognitive Disorders - Nervous System Disorders - And various other phycological, physiological, and behavioural disorders - The list goes on and on...
Electro-magnetic radiation has been proven to damage the Blood Brain Barrier allowing toxins into the brain. Electro-magnetic radiation causes damage to cells and prevents cell regeneration, so instead of cells dying off and being replaced by new and healthy cells they mutate which can cause disease.Electro-magnetic radiation has been proven to cause double strand DNA damage resulting in permeant mutation. DNA has the ability to repair itself from single strand damage caused by certain toxins, but it is unable to repair double strand breakages resulting in permeant mutation. DNA is in the nucleus of each cell.Electro-magnetic radiation causes (cell) oxidative stress, and this is the underlining cause of all cancers. If cells are starved of oxygen they can not regenerate, resulting in mutation.
Please see the following pages to this page for a selection of the various campaigns and laws that have been passed to improve electro-magnetic
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