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Special EMF Service
IGNIR and EUROPEAM Guidelines
The International Guidelines on Non-Ionising Radiation exposure figures are based on the EUROPEAM [European Academy for Environmental Medicine] EMF Guidelines 2016.
The following paragraph is a quote from their report, followed by the IGNIR exposure guideline tables, which are then followed by the EUROPEAM figures of which they are based upon.
Below the tables you can see the full IGNIR PDF and view the EUROPEAM EMF Guidelines 2016 summary.
'Regardless of the ICNIRP recommendations for specific acute effects, the following guidance values apply to sensitive locations with long-term exposure of more than 20 h per week. They are based on epidemiological studies empirical observations, and measurements relevant in practice, as well as recommendations by the Seletun Statement and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The proposed guidance values are based on scientific data including a preventive component and aim to help restore health and well-being in already compromised patients. All levels provided are for incident intensities and whole-body exposure.'
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