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Earth Energies: Geopathic Stress

Geopathic Stress is a subtle and complex phenomenon that seems to be largely misunderstood. There are various energy lines and grids which cover the earth, and run through our homes and properties. There are also water veins or underground streams, there are also more of these lines and grids running through our homes and places of work than previously realised. And just like anything else in this world; they are subject to fluctuation or change. The energies that radiate from these lines and grids can be harmful to us, or beneficial for us, depending on the nature of the energies, and what the lines have been subjected to.

What people don't realise, is that the earth is as conscious as we are. In fact, she is one and the same consciousness as ourselves, and we are a part of that consciousness, not something separate from it. It is no coincidence that her fundamental resonance is the same as ours, and it is not a matter of evolution either. It is the very reason we are experiencing this earthly consciousness in the first place, as opposed to that of a different frequency range, which would constitute the consciousness of an existence on a different plane.

For example: when people [we perceive to be  psychologically unwell] claim they can see beings that we think are not there, and hear voices that we think are not real:
it's not that they are hallucinating, it's because they are perceiving phenomena they should not be perceiving, because they are no longer perfectly tuned into the frequency spectrum of this world, therefore, they are experiencing interference from neighbouring channels. Just like when you experience interference from another radio station whilst trying to listen to the one you intended to be tuned in to; it makes for a very unpleasant auditory experience.

We exist in what was originally a natural electro-magnetic environment, and we ourselves are electro-magnetic in nature. Electricity powers the heart that keeps the blood circulating around our bodies, the activity of our brains are also electrical in nature, and we emit infrared frequency which is why we can be tracked via heat seeking cameras.

Every thought, movement, and reflex reaction we experience is powered by an electro-chemically based communication system we call the human mind and body. This entity exists in a magnetic field, thus being the fundamental principle behind
the magnitude of the universe we experience as the visible and tangible world we inhabit. 

These earth energy lines and grids are a part of our environment, and when they are resonating out of sync with natural atmospheric order, the emanating energies cause magnetic anomalies, which are disturbances in the natural resonation of the environment we inhabit. 

Once the magnetic atmosphere we abide in is subject to disturbance, we begin to alter from the inherent state of our natural resonation or frequency range, causing us to become out of sync with the environment that constitutes our very existence: therefore, the electro-chemically and biologically based entity will fall prey to miss-interpreted communications between the brain and the rest of the body, in collaboration with [what will eventually become] a severely handicapped immune response system, potentially resulting in psychological and/or physiological health conditions. 

Did everything seem to be going just fine in your life until you moved to a new location?

Does the atmosphere of the property feel heavy or oppressive?

Can you feel that something is just not right, but you can't quite put your finger on it?

Has your physical health declined since moving to a different property?

Have you noticed any changes in your mental health or general well-being since moving to a different property?

Has the quality of your sleep deteriorated since moving to a different property?

Have you been experiencing any bad dreams or more bad dreams than you would have expected to or usually do since moving to a different property? Or maybe you have started experiencing episodes of sleep paralysis or other kinds of sleep disturbances since changing your location? 

Has the quality of your relationships with your partner, family, or friends deteriorated since moving to a different property? Do you find yourself pushing people away and isolating yourself? 

Do you feel better when you are away from the property?

Have you become aware of any paranormal activity in the property?

Does it seem like bad luck is following you around or that things just seem to go wrong all the time, despite your most diligent and best efforts?

Does living in the property cause you to feel trapped, hopeless or even suicidal? 

Has your financial situation or income changed since moving to a different property?

Have you been trying to sell or swap your home that has bad vibes, but the sale or swap just always seems to fall through, or something always seems to go wrong as if it were cursed or doomed.

Or maybe you have only ever lived in one property, or lived in the same property for many years and have been experiencing some of the above conditions or
circumstances? Or maybe everything was fine in your home once upon a time, but over a period of time things seemed to have declined. 

I experienced many of these things when I moved from the home where my life became very prosperous and fulfilling, unfortunately returning to a location of severe geopathic stress.

How would you know if you were inhabiting a geopathically stressed location ?

As previously mentioned: it can be a very subtle, complex, and evolving phenomena due to the variations of the energies. This depends on the nature of what the lines have been subjected to, because they absorb the energies, or begin to resonate in tune with them, carrying the vibrations along the lines. Just as we carry the burdens and blessings of our life experiences along our journeys, effecting the outcome of every event in our lives.


Mans inconsiderate interference of the earth can disturb the natural flow of the earths energy causing the emanations to become unbalanced and detrimental to our well-being. For example: digging the earth for any reason such as: for building foundations, digging to lay utility services, tunnels, roads, mining, various other kinds of groundworks and even ploughing all cause disturbances. On a non-physical level, the earth absorbs energy and information just like any form of consciousness has the potential to do so. All of our actions and states of mind have an effect on these earth energy lines and the surrounding environment or atmosphere of which they are a fundamental aspect of. Artificial electro-magnetic radiation may also be a contributing factor.

What causes the lines to become toxic? 

Every thought or mind-state arises simultaneously with a corresponding frequency emanating from its source, which in this case is the human mind and brain. Whether the brain dictates the frequency and the mind responds, or whether the brain is merely the organ of the mind, and the mind causes the brain to operate on such a frequency [due to the nature of perception] may be debatable, and it may depend on the nature of the situation. But either way, the energy of the frequency [whether it's positive, neutral or negative] travels beyond the boundary of the human body, effecting the surrounding environment or atmosphere [also resonating at a certain frequency] which is why we can sense a certain vibe when we enter a room, or sense the vibe of another being [as we interact with their energy whether it be animal, human or even a non-physical entity.

So, not only do your thoughts and emotions effect how your life continues to unfold, they also effect the atmosphere in which you abide. The earth energies that resonate through your home or place of work seem to hold, and possibly even amplify the nature of the energies that you feed into them. There is definitely an accumulative nature to this kind of phenomenon. And just as the cosmology reflects our psychology, so does the earth, because it's all a part of the same unified system. 

For example: say there was a house where some bad things happened between one person and another, the home would begin to resonate at those frequencies 
effecting the atmosphere in that building. Then say these people moved out and new people moved in. Although they seemed to get along fine prior to living in this home, they begin to experience problems, and their relationship becomes unstable. With 
regular arguing and negative vibrations emanating from the both of them, they are now contributing to the already unprosperous atmosphere of the home, and this kind of thing can accumulate over many years. Just think of how long ago a home could of been built, how many people could have lived in it, and all the possible emotional events that could have played out under this roof.

Once you have a negative atmosphere that has gained momentum and stabilised as an unprosperous environment, it then creates the right conditions for other unprosperous manifestations to arise, such as, that which would fall under the category of paranormal activity.

It is also very important to state that the same can be said for the opposite, so a positive momentum can be achieved and stabilised to a degree. But what happens beyond that is crucial, and must be taken care of.  

Geopathic Stress can be transformed, but if you continue with negative thoughts and actions, things will slowly slip back into their old ways again. If you maintain a positive existence in such an abode, then positivity can be maintained, but as previously stated: the atmosphere is constantly subject to change from what could be considered as external influences, as well as those that originate from within us
which has already been touched upon. If you had a river running through your garden, and one of your neighbours was dumping waste into it further up stream; your section of the river would also become polluted.

For example: the lines that run through your home could have been disturbed further up the line by some destructive earth works and/or highly charged emotional situations that have take place, and as the negative energy manifests in your home, so can everything else that come along with it [as explained in a previous paragraph]. Also, by no fault of your own, you may unintentionally pick up some discarnate carnal minds or disturbed elementals (in the extreme case) on your travels and bring them back to your home. Once they are there, they will feed off the energies and literally sap the positive life out of you and your home and potentially cause issues between yourself and your loved ones. Here you have the beginnings of the negative momentum building up again as the negative vibes accumulate and take effect.

Awareness is key! Once you have a positive environment to abide in, and become accustomed to this, as opposed to the old and unprosperous environment, you will then become more aware of the changes in your atmosphere and realise when the energies are changing by monitoring the way you are thinking, feeling, or reacting to things. With the development of this knowledge gained through experience, you will
become more aware of the subtle changes in yourself and your environment; realising when it's time to act, instead of being consumed by the unfolding storm and being swept away in a whirlwind of emotional confusion and reflex reaction.

I learned so much from living in two seriously stressed locations that I now help others to overcome this phenomenon. Through the insight gained, I developed a deep understanding into the nature of geopathic stress, the causes, and how to heal a stressed property and manage it from there on so a prosperous atmosphere can be achieved and maintained.  

The energies of your home can be transformed, but you will need to take responsibility for it from then on, and it would be my pleasure to advise and assist you along the way.    

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