Special EMF Service
Geopathic stress has been a problem in our home ever since we moved in many years ago. We have had various professional in to survey the property, and on account of that they suggested we purchased certain products but unfortunately the issues were never resolved.
I met Mike at an EMF (Electro-magnetic Field) meeting and he shared stories about his home that were very similar to the things we were experiencing in ours. Some time later when I was discussing the matter with Mike further, he mentioned that he felt that he could heal the property as he had done to his own, and asked if I would give him permission to carry out the procedure, so we agreed.
He asked us to provide him with a floor plan of the house. So we gave him the floor plan we had done by a previous professional that had some Hartman and Curry grid lines mapped on it, as well as a water vein and two springs that were not connected to the water vein.
Mike remotely map dowsed our property from his location many miles away, and found that there were many more energy lines, grids and water running through the property than those that were mapped on the original floor plan, as well as some that I don’t believe are known to other professionals in this field. He also identified a number of supernatural beings that were inhabiting the energies of our property.
Once the mapping was complete Mike said he would begin the clearing and healing procedure. During this procedure I felt a complete shift in the vibe of our home, so much so that that the bat who had been roosting on the front porch (which we share with our neighbour) for a very long time, suddenly emerged and flew through the window into my neighbours house, and flew around franticly for a while, until it flew out and has never to be seen again. What ever he did seems to have dealt with the entities that were making me feel very uncomfortable living here.
Since the clearing and healing Mike did, it has been like living in a completely different property, or as though it had been transformed. He even kept a check on the energy levels after completing the clearing and healing work to make sure things remained as they should.
Mike has a very deep esoteric understanding and provides a quality service with great advice and support. I highly recommend the service he provides.
Louise Randall 22/08/2021
When I made the offer on my new apartment back in February 2021, I knew I would soon need some help with geopathic stress. I had known the two previous residents there, and it had not been harmonious. Neither had died on the premises, but they were long gone, and I knew they would have left negative energy behind.
Thanks to Covid, lockdown and Probate, my purchase didn’t complete until the following July, and I had been looking for an appropriate geopathic stress dowser for almost a year. A sudden health glitch had given me food for thought, and I had put out a Cosmic order to the Universe for a bit of help and support.
I discovered Mike Armstrong in Hertfordshire shortly afterwards – thank you, Universe. Some distance from my west country home, but that didn’t matter. I was impressed by his knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm. And his honesty, decency and trustworthiness.
Mike obviously knew what he was talking about, and once he had received all the information he needed, he spent several hours remote dowsing my floor plan and discovering what was amiss. The overall property score was negative which wasn't good. Mike did what needed to be done and has since raised the vibe of the property to absolute positivity.
The earth didn’t move, but things seemed lighter, and I had a big silly grin on my face. I knew something had shifted. I had known with my head when I purchased the property I was doing the right thing, but I hadn’t felt the joy in my heart that I had anticipated. That day I did, and later found myself thinking, unprompted, ‘I love it here.’
Mike has certainly been ‘worthy of his hire’, and I cheerfully paid the fee knowing I had had excellent value for money. He even offers a sort of after-sales service to keep an eye on the energy levels, to make sure things remain as stable as they should. For me, the whole experience has been worthwhile, and I am honestly feeling – and sleeping – significantly better.
PJD, Glos. 31/01/2022
I have known Mike for 6 years now and met when we were embarking on a similar spiritual journey, we formed an instant connection and have remained friends since.
Mike spoke of EMF and geopathic stress and although it made complete sense, I was skeptical.
For over 30 years I have struggled with addictions which I believed were driven by early life emotional traumas. I fell prey to misery and depression and had a constant heightened anxiety which was with me every waking moment. I’ve seen counsellors, psychotherapists, psychiatrists and been through various addiction recovery programs. I engaged in religion to try and find an answer to my problems, all helpful but still I couldn’t seem to get rid of that demon that kept pulling me back into suffering, it was like a dark cloud waiting for me.
I spoke to Mike after my last bad period of suffering and he was his usual cheery non judgmental self, he talked again about his research and suggested he may be able to help me. I gave Mike all the information required and he carried out a distant healing on my home and myself. I felt the effects during the healing session in the form of changes in body sensations and the space around me, something definitely changed. Mike and I spoke afterwards and he made me aware of a list of negative energies that had attached themselves to me and what was going on within the space where I live. The overall experience has been very positive and has given me enough experiential evidence to open my mind to this mostly unknown phenomena.
I thoroughly recommend Mike if your seeking help, his knowledge is very deep in this field and he is a friendly approachable character.
Glenn 06/02/2022
I was going through a hard time in my personal life which created a lot of anxiety. I had panic attacks and didn't feel in a good place at all. I've contacted Mike for some help with healing and clearing and Mike did a distant healing on me. It was one of the most powerful healing I have had. I could feel the energy releasing as he was working on me and 24 hours later the feeling of anxiety shifted to a feeling of empowerment and feeling much more equipped to tackle the ups and downs of life. Thank you Mike, you have a great gift.
Eli Godin 06/03/2022
Mike was kind enough to pick me on our way to a course we were both attending, having spent the weekend with Mike and others on the course I new he was the real deal.
When we got back I was feeling a bit down and not my usual self. I spoke to Mike and he asked for my permission to douse me which I agreed to. He then went on to tell me that I'd picked up a couple of entities and that he would do a clearing for me.
Now even though Mike is a great guy I was still skeptical but I agreed because I trust and believe in what he does.
Well let me tell you within the first few minutes I thought I'd just landed the lead role in my own Poltergeist movie. First the wardrobe started shaking, and all the cats and dogs outside went crazy at once, then it felt like something was pulling my head back, and as though something was being pulled out of my head. I really thought I might get a whiplash claim in here (haha;-). This went one for a few minutes and then stopped, and I thought that was it. Then I remembered Mike had said I had two entities, Ding Ding round two, the same thing happened all over again. This time I literally thought my head was going to be ripped of my shoulders (I wasn't actually in any pain though) and then everything went quiet. No cat's and dogs kicking off outside and my head remained attached to my body (haha;-)
That night I had a really good sleep and the next day I felt more alive then ever.
Mike is definitely definitely worth it.
Pete Comer, Manchester. 01/05/2022
Mike was very professional and very thorough. He did an excellent job and checked every possible source of EMF , he explained everything in detail and provided suggestions to make our home safer. Highly recommended!
Antonios, Oxford. 03/06/2022