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Telecommunications Industry 'Written Off' as Un-insurable

If you manufacture a product and sell it for public consumption, you would need to have some kind of public liability insurance cover incase your product was responsible for causing injury to someone.

Lloyd's of London, which is a British Insurance Market, where participating underwriters operate as syndicates to spread out and share the risks of insuring businesses across different industries with each syndicate specialising in a different area, 
making the decisions on which type of risks to insure. 

In saying that: CFC Underwriting, who are the Lloyd's of London 
Syndicate for assessing the risks of the telecommunication industry have rendered it uninsurable; therefore, the governments and the telecommunication manufactures and network providers are operating without liability cover for injury caused to members of the public by use of a technology that has been branded as 'Safe' by government and industry alike.

'The purpose of the exclusion is to exclude cover for illnesses caused by continuous long-term non-ionising radiation exposure i.e. through mobile phone usage.' CFC Underwriting LTD, London.

The fact that Lloyd's of London [the worlds leading liability insurance organisation] have rendered this technology un-insurable really does speak for itself, and requires no further evidence... 

Therefore, we rest our case!

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