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What is EMF or Electrosmog...?

EMF stands for Electro-magnetic Field. Field is in reference to the area in which you are being subjected to the energy that is being produced by the equipment or wiring that it is radiating from.

EMF is a general term that is used to refer to any kind of radiating energy produced by electrical equipment and the wires or cables that feed it power. 

Some things will only produce an electric field. Some will produce an electric field, and a magnetic flux density which us commonly referred to as a magnetic field. And certain kinds of technology such as wireless communications systems produce an electro-magnetic field, which is the 
combination of electric and magnetic energy to produce frequencies that will travel certain distances.

Individual electric or magnetic fields are relatively localised to the technology that is producing them. But never the less they are a hidden danger that lurks within all of our homes. High powered electrical generating and transporting equipment close to our homes is also of great concern.  

Dirty electricity also falls under the general term EMF and is explained below. Air ions are also included as they are charged by electrical radiation effecting the quality of the atmosphere we inhabit.

All EMFs can be considered as electrosmog because the radiation from
electrical devices and equipment are polluting our environment with very toxic energy. 

Below we list many of the everyday devices and technologies that expose us to electro-magnetic radiation or electrosmog.

Electro-magnetic Fields: [also known as High Frequency or Radio and Microwave Frequency] mobile phones, routers, laptops, wireless computers, wireless gaming devices,  wireless printers, smart meters, any smart appliances or devices,  microwave ovens, some florescent lamps, any bluetooth devices, radio and TV broadcasts, smart TVs, remote controls, two way radios, baby monitors, telecommunications broadcasts, radar and any other wireless devices or wireless communication systems. Basically anything that communicates with another device or piece of equipment without the use of wires to send and receive the information. 

Magnetic Fields: power lines, substations, train lines, faulty building circuits or utility supply, any household or commercial devices and equipment that uses electricity to heat or cool, or to spin a motor: hair dryers, heaters, shavers, electric toothbrushes, straighteners, curlers, hoovers, mixers, washing machines, tumble dryers, ovens, kettles, toasters, sowing machines, sun beds, hot tubs, power tools, workshop and factory machinery, electric & combustion engine vehicles, energy saving lightbulbs, florescent lamps, certain kinds of computers and screens, plus more.

Electric Fields: commercial and residential wiring circuits, and all of the devices, equipment and machinery that are powered by these electrical circuits. The utility cables and power lines that supply these circuits, and the industrial plants, stations and sub stations that generate the power and distribute it. Basically any electrical or electronic equipment that is powered by the mains 
electrical circuit that is fed into your building or place of work.

Dirty Electricity: also known as Harmonics or Electro-magnetic Interference is caused by frequencies that were not intended to be traveling on the 50Hz utility circuits that power our homes and places of work. 

Dirty electricity is detrimental to our health and well-being, and is generally caused by things like dimmer switches or any other device that puts voltage back into the circuit instead of using it like solar panels, faulty electronic devices, and devices that contaminate the 50Hz system like smart meters because they are connected to the 50Hz utility feed as it enters your property and produce high frequencies that can pollute the buildings wiring circuits.

The same can be said for any wireless transmissions interfering with the utility network, telecommunications transmitters that are situated on pylons, and transmitters that feed into the power lines to distribute an internet service via the power grid.

The cause of dirty electricity could originate from within your property or beyond the boundaries of your home or place of work. 


Air Ions: particles in the atmosphere that have been positively charged by the the voltage from electric fields that radiate from power lines, sub stations, inverters, air ionisers, and other powerful electrical equipment. It's an area that requires more study but over exposure to positively charged air ions has been demonstrated to be detrimental to health and well-being by world leading independent experts.

Thunderstorms negatively charge air ions which is why it feels so refreshing after a storm has cleared the heavy atmosphere, but this doesn't necessarily 
mean it's a good idea to be continuously bombarding ourselves with artificially charged negative air ions from air ionising air conditioning units.

Nature is in balance, but as humans we tend to live very out of balance with nature.  

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