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Some Countries Have Banned WiFi in Schools 

Not only are we are bombarding our children with electro-magnetic radiation from wireless broadband routers at school throughout the entire duration of the day; we continue to do so from the moment they arrive home, throughout the rest of the evening and all throughout the night whilst they are sleeping as most people never turn their routers off.

The purpose of sleep is for regeneration and healing but the body is unable to efficiently re-generate and heal at the cellular level due to electro-magnetic frequencies which interfere with the correct functioning of the electro-chemically based biological system that is the human body.

The brain enters certain frequency ranges in states of sleep, and these brainwave states are intended to bring about regeneration and healing of the mind-body organism, but the efficiency of such a procedure will be severely handicapped by the constant bombardment of localised artificially produced frequencies polluting the area in which the individual resides.

Getting back to the issues of WiFi in schools: how are our children meant to function efficiently at school, employing states of concentration, attention, and demonstrating problem solving abilities when they are constantly subjected to electro-magnetic pollution which has now caused schools to become highly toxic environments?

Don't just take our word for it...
There is an abundance of research to support everything we touch upon, that has been carried out by individuals and organisations that have no connections to any government or commercial organisations that stand to gain or lose capital or reputation via the results of such research.

Please view the links below to webpages presenting information 
on the exclusion of WiFi from schools and the corresponding scientific research that supports such action, and the campaigning for such action in countries that are yet to take any steps in creating a safer learning environment for our children.   

No WiFi in Schools
UK campaign to stop WiFi being used in schools
Please sign the petition.
Environmental Health Trust
Schools Worldwide Removing the Wi-Fi and Reducing Exposure
Many videos to watch on this page as we'll as information to read.

Physicians for Safe Technology
This webpage contains an abundance of research and information on the subject, and a number of letters written by medical doctors strongly advising against the use of WiFi in schools, along with all the other wireless technologies which are detrimental to our children's health.

Daily Mail News Report: Could WiFi be giving our children cancer?

  • 'Top cancer expert Prof Anthony Miller claims WiFi beamed through classrooms could be as dangerous as tobacco and asbestos’

  • 'Prof Miller of Toronto University says WiFi should not be allowed in schools'

  • 'Some nations have begun banning or restricting WiFi, as well as mobile phones'

Please access the link below for the full article:


Endless amounts of material can be found on-line and in books regarding this subject if you wish to pursue this subject further and mount pressure against your own children's school.

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